
Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT)

Adobe Digital Asset Management Cloud Service

Our Winning Award

AlxTel is excited to announce that we won the Adobe contract award for amount of $102,548.44 from Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT). This is a big step to creating a versatile community of enhanced IT technologies. Adobe connects content and data and introduces new technologies that democratize creativity, shape the next generation of storytelling, and inspire entirely new categories of business.

Contract Title: Adobe Digital Asset Management Cloud Service

Winning Award
Award date

Award Date
July 15, 2022

Award amount

Award Amount

Start date

Start Date
Jan 1, 2022

End date

End Date
Dec 25, 2022

Maryland Department of Transportation

The Maryland Department of Transportation MDOT is an organization comprised of five business units and one Authority. They are: The Secretary’s Office, MDOT State Highway Administration, MDOT Maryland Transit Administration, MDOT Motor Vehicle Administration, MDOT Maryland Port Administration, MDOT Maryland Aviation Administration and the Maryland Transportation Authority. This unique approach provides the state’s leadership with the ability to develop a coordinated and balanced approach to transportation.

The Maryland Department of Transportation presents six goals that support the achievement of MDOT’s Vision and Mission. These goals will guide MDOT in tackling the State’s biggest transportation challenges over the next 20 years.

  • Safety & Security: Enhance the safety of transportation system.
  • System Preservation: Preserve and maintain the State’s existing transportation infrastructure and assets.
  • Quality of Service: Maintain and enhance the quality of the service experienced by users of Maryland’s transportation system.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Ensure the delivery of the State’s transportation infrastructure program conserves and enhances Maryland’s natural, historic and cultural resources.
  • Community Vitality: Provide options for the movement of people and goods that support communities and quality of life.
  • Economic Prosperity: Support a healthy and competitive Maryland economy.

Enhancing Asset Management Capabilities with Adobe Digital Asset Management

Digital assets are indispensable valuables for every business. And as the business grows, the volume of these assets also scales, making it harder for you to manage them well. From siloed asset storage to poor version control and digital rights limitations, there are multiple challenges that businesses have to deal with for their digital assets management. Using a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system might be the best solution to organize and manage your assets as it can help you:

  • Organize Content in One System
  • Monitor Content Effectiveness
  • Integrate MarTech Stack
  • Consolidate Redundant Tools
  • Ensure Brand Consistency

Digital Asset Management (DAM) in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)

Digital Asset Management (DAM) is both a practice and a product. It refers to the process of organizing, storing, managing, and retrieving your digital assets such as documents, images, audio, videos, and graphics for online distribution. DAM also refers to the tool that is used to facilitate this process to deliver consistent, relevant, and dynamic user experiences on any device and channel.

Benefits of Using Adobe Digital Asset Management

AEM Assets acts as a centralized hub for your digital assets to ensure successful experiences across the customer journey. It comes with the following capabilities:


Adobe gives a safe and scalable foundation for AEM. Its cloud service is always current, scalable, and accessible. Additionally, it is extensible and customizable to meet unique business requirements. Its cloud-native architecture enables users to build, test, and launch new initiatives quickly.

Need support?  You are our priority, We’ve got you covered.

Rapid response time to service requests, responding to all customer feedback to get in touch.

Our goal is to supply you with the best possible customer service across all our products and solutions. We look forward to helping you make the most of your AlxTel platform.


How Can We Help?